NUR 06 99 500

Numero Unico Regionale (NUR) 06 99 500


 Territorial Technical Assistance Plan


Next Generation EUDipartimento della Funzione PubblicaRegione Lazio

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan - NRRP

Investment 2.2 'Digitisation, monitoring and performance task force' of M1C1 Sub-investment 2.2.1: 'NRRP central and local level technical assistance' - Project CUP (Unique Project Code) F81B21008070006

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) 'Next Generation Italy' - forwarded to the European Commission on 30 April 2020 and approved by the Council Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 - envisages a set of investments and reforms to improve the equity, efficiency and competitiveness of the country and increase the confidence of citizens and businesses. The reforms envisaged by the NRRP constitute its general objectives and aim to remove the constraints that have so far slowed down the realisation and productivity of investments. The horizontal or contextual reforms, of transversal interest to all the Missions of the NRRP, consist in structural innovations of the legal system, suitable for improving the country's economic climate. In this context, the NRRP promotes an ambitious agenda for the PA that envisages investments aimed at the digitalisation of processes and services, the strengthening of management capacity, and the deployment of the technical assistance needed by central and local administrations for the rapid and efficient use of public resources.

Among the specific objectives of the NRRP is the activation, on a national basis, of a pool of 1,000 experts who will carry out technical assistance activities, with the coordination of the regional administrations, after consulting ANCI(National Association of Italian Municipalities), UPI (Union of Italian Provinces)  and UNCEM (National Union of Municipalities, Communities, Mountain Authorities) , for the benefit of the administrations of the territory (regional, municipal and provincial) where the 'bottlenecks' deserving attention are concentrated.

In the implementation of Article 9, paragraph 1 of Decree-Law No. 80 of 9 June 2021, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 113 of 6 August 2021, as amended, and of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 12 November 2021 on the 'Allocation of resources for the conferment of collaborative positions to support administrative procedures connected to the implementation of the NRRP', the Lazio Region benefited from the allocation of € 24. 063,000.00 earmarked for the recruitment of 76 professionals and experts, who will be contracted by 31/12/2021, according to the contract outline approved with determination G15618 of 15 December 2021.

The Lazio Region has identified the main critical issues represented by the territorial administrations and the regional directorates and has drawn up the Territorial Technical Assistance Plan - Project CUP F81B21008070006, which identifies the objectives to be achieved, the resources to be employed, the implementation methods, the timeframes for action and the expected results. 
The general objective of the Plan is the activation of a technical assistance service to support the Local Authorities of the Lazio Region and the Regional Directorates. The specific objectives concern the activation of at least:

  • 3 Multi-Disciplinary Territorial Task Forces, each consisting of at least no. 16 experts in the following sectorial procedural fields: Environmental Assessments and Authorisations, Remediation, Renewable Energies, Waste, Building and Town Planning, Procurement, Digitalisation, Monitoring and Reporting;
  • 1 Regional Multi-Disciplinary Task Force, consisting of at least 21 experts in the following sectoral procedural fields: Environmental Assessments and Authorisations, Remediation, Renewable Energies, Waste, Building and Urban Planning, Procurement, Digitisation, Monitoring and Reporting;
  • 1 Project Technical Secretariat, composed of at least 7 experts in the following transversal fields: Planning, Management, Monitoring, Reporting;
  • 1 Project Steering Committee, in charge of strategic planning and impact assessment of the activities of professionals and experts, composed of at least no. 4 members Directors/Secretaries General of the Lazio Region, ANCI Lazio, UPI Lazio, UNCEM Lazio.

The links in the table refer, for each Task Force, to the list of contracted Professional Profiles with an indication of the Professional Sector and the Complex Procedures of competence.

Task ForceTerritorial competenceNumber of Components
Territorial Multi-Disciplinary Task Force Northern Lazio

Province of Viterbo and pertaining municipalities
Province of Rieti and pertaining municipalities

Multi-Disciplinary Territorial Task Force Central Lazio

Metropolitan City of Rome and pertaining Municipalities

Multi-Disciplinary Territorial Task Force South Lazio

Province of Frosinone and pertaining municipalities
Province of Latina and pertaining municipalities

Lazio Regional Multi-Disciplinary Task Force

Lazio Region  

Project Technical SecretariatLazio Region7

The financial resources intended for technical assistance are disbursed only after verification of the achievement of the expected results, to be carried out through monitoring of the progress of the activities and periodic six-monthly assessment of the results, starting from a baseline of data on the backlog and timeframe relating to the second half of 2021. Milestone MC2 "Definition of the baseline (backlog data and timeframes for the second half of 2021)" must be reached by June 2022. For each type of procedure to be assisted by the experts, in order to guarantee the homogeneity and comparability of information, it is necessary to collate data according to the indications and monitoring formats reported in the Prime Ministerial Decree of 12 November 2021 and in the Territorial Technical Assistance Plan.

The expected results at the end of the project include:

  • the elimination of 100% of the backlog of procedures and the reduction of the operational gap between the previous load and the load that is constantly arriving, through the increase of administrative capacity
  • the reduction of at least 20% of the average completion time of procedures, through an increase in administrative capacity and/or the re-engineering of procedural flows. 

The table shows the regional targets in terms of reduction in time and backlog, per area of complex procedures, expressed as a percentage fraction of reduction, calculated with respect to the baseline measured by June 2022 and relating to the second half of 2021.

 Complex Procedures Sectors

Intermediate Target

(December 2023)

Final Target

(June 2025)

Backlog reduction

Average times reduction

Average times reduction

Environmental assessments and authorisations
Regional Environmental Impact Assessment (VIA).
Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS).
Integrated Environmental Authorisation: granting, renewal and substantial modifications. Single Environmental Authorisation (AUA): granting, renewal and substantial modifications 

Approval and authorisation of contaminated site remediation or safety enhancement projects.
Single authorisation for the construction and operation of plants for the production of electricity from renewable sources, related works and infrastructures essential to the construction and operation of plants, as well as substantial modifications of such plants 
Single authorisation for the construction and operation of disposal and recovery plants (Art. 208, Legislative Decree 152/2006) and substantial changes (comma 19)
Building, town planning, landscape
Building permit
Urban planning variant procedure
Public procurement 
Engineering, Commitment and execution of public procurement
Procurement of supplies and services


* The intervention intends to accelerate the elimination of the backlog of cases with the ultimate goal of bringing it to zero. The intervention also intends to reduce the average completion time of proceedings. A more precise indication of the target can be provided following the baseline measurement scheduled for June 2022.

By implementing the provisions of the Project Steering Committee, Lazio Region has implemented a cyclic procedure that envisage: 

The Regional Directorates/Agencies, for their own benefit, and the Provinces and the Metropolitan City of Rome, for their own benefit  and that of the pertaining Municipalities, may submit a request for support, following the indications contained in the respective request forms. Municipalities, in order to benefit from the Experts' support, should contact the Provincial Project contact person, whose contact details are given below:

InstitutionContact personTelephone contactse-mail adress
Province of LatinaCiro
Province of FrosinoneAlfio
Province of RietiAnnalisa
Province of ViterboPatrizio
Metropolitan City of  RomaPaolo Berno0667666165622662086278

The Provincial Project contact person will prepare and send to the Project Technical Secretariat coordinated requests for support, for the benefit of the Territorial entities in their area of competence.

The Beneficiaries of the support will provide to the expert support information, concerning the number of backlogs and the average times of complex procedures for which the expert's support is required, whose activity is aimed at reducing the backlogs and the average times of complex procedures, as per the targets defined by the "territorial technical assistance plan", in accordance with the "monitoring report form" and with the provisions of the Ministerial Decree of 12 November 2021.

In order to provide the support, in implementation of the provisions of art. 2 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 12 November 2021, will manage the requests, taking into account:

  • the degree of involvement of each institutional level in the administrative procedures identified as critical in the specific regional territory and indicated within the "Territorial Technical Assistance Plan";
  • the ownership of these procedures.

When providing support, the Expert will contribute to the reduction of the number of backlogs and average times of complex procedures, by increasing the beneficiary's administrative capacity and/or re-engineering procedural flows.

At the end of the activity carried out by the Expert in execution of the individual request, the Beneficiaries validate the activity carried out by the Expert following the indications contained in the respective validation forms.

For reporting purposes, the Expert must send to Lazio Region the Report and Timesheet of the previous two months of support, signed by the Expert and countersigned by the Applicant.

The Implementation Guidelines of the Territorial Technical Assistance Plan - intended for Applicants, Beneficiaries and Experts - describe in detail the procedural flows approved by the Project Steering Committee and provide useful operational indications for the correct implementation of the Territorial Technical Assistance Plan:

Implementation Guidelines of the Territorial Technical Assistance Plan

For Applicants:

  • Territorial Task Force Expert Request Form   
  • Territorial Task Force Expert non-fulfilment Form    

Regional Directorates/Agencies

  • Regional Task Force Expert Request Form     
  • Regional Task Force Expert non-fulfilment Form     

For Beneficiaries:
Territorial entities

  • Territorial Task Force Expert validation Form     

Regional Directorates/Agencies

  • Regional Task Force Expert validation Form     

For Experts:

  • Territorial Task Force Monitoring Form    
  • Regional Task Force Monitoring Form   
  • Report and Timesheet Form    

At this link Experts can authenticate to their own Experts Area


Status as of  December 31 2023 

MC1. Recruitment of professionals and experts: December 2021 (milestone linked to target of European relevance M1C1-54)
MR1. Constitution and operational start-up of the Project Steering Committee (CdRP): December 2021 (regional milestone)
MR2. Constitution and Operational Start-up of the Project Technical Secretariat (STP): January 2022 (regional milestone)
MR3. Definition of Task Force areas expertise: January 2022 (regional milestone)
MR4. Operational start of Task Forces: January 2022 (regional milestone)
MC2. Baseline definition (backlog and time data of 2nd semester 2021): June 2022 (national milestone)
MR5. CDRR monitoring report: July 2022 (regional milestone)
MR6. CDRR monitoring report: January 2023 (regional milestone)
MR7. CDRR monitoring report: July 2023 (regional milestone)
MR8. CDRR monitoring report: January 2024 (regional milestone)
MR9. CDRR monitoring report: July 2024 (regional milestone) 
MR10. CDRR monitoring report: January 2025 (regional milestone) 
MR11. CDRR monitoring report: July 2025 (regional milestone) 


General Directorate
Programming and Monitoring Area 
Reforms NRRP Office 

Via Cristoforo Colombo 212
00145 Roma (RM)

Data di aggiornamento/verifica: 16/04/2024

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